Guanix's Cronology


Código: #GPPKH 

Nombre: Sari Swan

Fecha de ingreso: 05 de Mayo de 2023

Actividad 00 - N E W


01 This is my life - #timlgp

02 A day with - #adwgp

85 My first Time - #my1sttgp

Becoming to parents - #parenttobegp

Discussion - #discussiongp

Planeta - #planetgp

Soy un Monstruo - #SUM

Negocios - #businesslgp


My feelings - #feelsdrbblegp +160

Vidas Pasadas - #vpgp +160

Drabble Marvel (Monster) - #drabblemarvelgp +160

Principito - #drableprincipitogp +160

Drabble Marvel (No lo sabe todo) - #drabblemarvelgp +160

Words - #wordsgp +160

Canción - #doitnvntgp +160mm

Do It emociones (Tristeza) - #doitbgp +160

Drabble Marvel (Perdedores) - #drabblemarvelgp +160

Do It emociones (Alegría) - #doitbgp +160

Promt Mom - #promtsmmgp +160

Promt Rosa - #promtsrssgp +160


01 This is my life - #timlgp

02 A day with - #adwgp

03 Travel Day - #tdgp

05 Letters - #lettersgp

06 Deep - #deepgp

07 My potato head - #mphgp

259 Lujuria - #lujuriagp

298 Fraternal - #fraternalgp

350 Change Of Body - #changeofbgp

426 In magic - #inmagicgp

465 Variante - #vrntgp

Apocalypse - #gptspclyps


Dad - #promtsddgp

Drabble Marvel (Hilos atandome) - #drabblemarvelgp


Narrativas LGBT

Transgénero - #transgenerogp +150

Born This Way - #bornwaygp +150

I am a Color - #imacolorgp +150

Fanservice - #fanservicegp +150

Offrol LGBT 

Change Of Body: Gender Bender - #cbgbgp +100

Change Of Body: LGBT - #coblgbtgp +100

Change of Body: Pride - #cobpridegp +100

LGBT - #lgbtgp +100


04 My First Love - #mflgp +150

11 ...A Date? - #adtgp +150


Variante - #vrntgp

Friction & Fights - #gptsfnfs

Psicópata - #psicoptgp

This is my life - #timlgp

My First Time - #mfstmgp

In magic - #inmagicgp

Ira - #pecadosiragp

More blood - #morebloodgp

Becoming to Parents - #parenttobegp


Playlist Pop - #playlistppgp

Do it - #doitbgp

Movie Tag - #mt

Pervert Tag - #tpgp



Matilda - #mtldgp +150

Crazy in love - #cznlvgp +150

Botella tras botella - #btlltbgp +150

Lips on Lips (1) - #lpsnlpstykkgp +170

Lips on Lips (2) - #lpsnlpstykkgp +170

Knockout (12) - #dpkokkgp +170

Knockout (1) - #dpkokkgp +170


El perfume - #perfumegp +150


This not for me - #tisn4mgp

Travel Day - #tdgp

Closet - #closetgp

OMG! You're cheating on me? - #gpomgcheating

My First Love - #mflgp

Travel Experience - #texpgp

Change of Body - #cobgp

A Date? -#adgp

My First Time - #mfstmgp

Lujuria - #lujuriagp

Universe Alternative - #alterunivrsgp

New Destiny: Paris - #gptsndp

Welcome Visiteur - #gptswv

A Reason - #gptsdar


Do it (Winter) - #doitwntrgp

Marvel (Son perdedores) - #drabblemarvelgp

Marvel (Hilos Atandome) - #drabblemarvelgp

Marvel (Soy el monstruo que te contaron) - #drabblemavelgp

Feels - #feelsdrbblegp

Vidas Pasadas - #vpgp

Playlist European - #gpyspleu

Marvel (Segundas oportunidades) - #drabblemarvelgp

Do it (Je volé) - #doit00gp

Do it (Vivimi) - #doit00gp

Do it (Runaway) - #doit00gp

Do it (Je vais T'amier) - #doit00gp

Do it (La soluzione) - #doit00gp


Audition - #auditiongp +150

Change Of Look - #col +150

Red carpet - #redcarpetgp +150

It's My Chuseok - #imcgp +150

Volunteer - #volunteergp +150

Scandal - #scandalgp +150

Septiembre y Octubre - Hiatus por enfermedad 

My First Time - #my1sttgp

Birth, Inheritance & Creation - #gptsbicw

Wildest Dreams - #wildestdgp

A Song, a Story -#songstorygp

My first love - #mflgp

Change of Body - #changeofbgp

The Very First Time - #tvfirsttimegp


Ira - #pecadosiragp - +150

I want give up - #iwtfup - +150

Ansiedad - #ansiedadgp - +150

Hiperactividad - #hprctvdgp - +150

Negación - #ngcngp - +150

Máscara Social - #msrsclgp - +150

Impulsividad - #mplsvdgp - +150

I don't care - #idntcrgp - +150

At the end of the day - #endDaygp - +150

Yin y el Yang - #yinyangp - +150

Halo - #halogp - +150

Look what you made me do - #lwymmdgp - +150

Today I Feel - #tdyifeelgp - +150

Lujuria - #lujuriagp - +150

Afectiva - #rspfcvgp - +150

Nobody can drag me down - #ncdmsgp - +150

Feel Pretty - #FeelPrettygp - +150

Love Triangle - #trianglegp - +150

My First Time - #myfstmgp with: #GPKCH +200

Sexual Experience - #segp with: #GPKCH +200

Variante - #vrntgp

A Killing Game - #akg


My First Christmas - #1stXmasgp +150

Christmas Shopping - #shoppinggp +150

Christmas Tree - #gptree with: #GPKCH +250


Muérdago - #gxisms +200

Cena Navideña - #gxisms +200

Familia - #gxisms +200

¿Por qué amas la navidad? - #gxisms +200

Nunca me han regalado algo - #gxisms +200

Total: 3050 pts.


Boda - #wgmywedding +#GPKCH +200

This is my life - #timlgp

Change of Body - #changeofbgp

I am bad Bitch - #iabbgp

Visión Love - #visionlovegp

Toxic Love - #txcrltgp

Irá (Pecados Capitales) - #pecadosiragp

Me convertí en un asesino - #momuceagp

Funeral - #funeralgp

Liar - #liargp

Birthday - #birthdaygp

Born this way - #bornwaygp

Soberbia - #soberbiagp

Lujuria - #lujuriagp

I am Angel - #imangelgp

Closet - #closetgp

Zeus - #mitozeusgp

Guanxi's Way School

Surprise! - #gptsurprise

School Uniform - #gptsuniform

My Roomates - #gptsroomates

I Live Here - #gptsilivehere

My First Days - #gptsmyfirstdays

Schedule - #gptschedule

Suspension - #gptsuspencion

Extra Material - #gptsextramaterial

Making Friends - #gptsmakingfriends

End of Courses - #gptsendofcourses


Wedding Planner - #wgmfiancé

Mom - #promtsmmgp

50 Cosas Sobre Mi - #50csm

About My Character - #btmychctrgp


Señorita (Romance 1) - #rmncamilackkgp +170

Crazy in Love - #cznlvgp + #GPKCH +250

Music in my life (1) - #musiclifegp +150 2 3

I Will Always Love You - #wilalwygp +250

Hurt - #hrtgp +150

Paradise (Dystopia: The Tree of Language 1) 

#dystpdckkgp +170

Total: 4220 pts.


Variante - #vrntgp +100

This is my life - #timlgp +100

Change of Body - #changeofbgp +200 (#GPKCH)

Letters - #lettersgp +100

I'm not the Only One - #mnthnlyngp +100

Alfa y Omega - #alfmgp +100

Anhelos - #nhlsgp +100

Travel Day - #tdgp +100

Deep - #deepgp +100

A Day With... - #adwgp +100

Demond Days - #demondaysgp +100


Do it: sentimientos (Euforia) - #doithgp +80

Angels Vs Demon:

Birth - #gptsbrt +150

COB: It's me - #gptscobism +100

Family - #gptsfmly +150

Friction & Fights - #gptsfnfs + #GPKCH +250

Apocalypse - #gptspclyps + #GPKCH +250

Sacrifice - #gptsscrfc +180

Love this place - #gptsmbltpc +100

Moments Of Tention - #gptsmftn +150

Change Of Plans - #gptsptcm +150

Somewhere Far Away - #gptsswfwy + #GPKCH +250

Guanxi's Way School

My Roomates - #gptsroomates +GPKCH +250

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2024

Dragón de Madera - #drglnygp +150

Amuleto - #mltlnygp +100

Víspera de año - #vsplnygp +150

Buena Fortuna - #bnftlnygp +100

Linternas Rojas - #lnrjlnygp +150

COB: Mi atuendo - #cobdgnlnygp +100

Soy Un Dragón - #sydrglnygp +150



We Got Married

First Date - #wgmfirstdate  + #GPKCH +300

Change Of Body: Couple goals - #wgmcobgoals +150

WGM: Playlist Married - #wgmplaylistluv +150


My First Love + #mflgp +150

Song Story - #songstorygp + #GPKCh +250

I'm in love with a monster - #monstergp +150

First Time In Love - #ftilgp +150

Infidelidad - #nfldgp +150 

Forbbiden Love - #forbbidenlovegp +150

BSDM - #bsdmgp + #GPKCH +250

Sexual Experience - #segp + #GPKCH +250

Celos - #clsgp + #GPKCH +250

Platonic Love - #platoniclovegp +150

Love at First Sight - #firstsightgp +150

Manipulación - #mnplcngp +150

Valentine's Day

Word VIII: Valentine's - #wordsv8vgp +150


Valentine's candy#gpcandiesofvalentines +100

Playlist for my Valentine - #valentineplaylistgp +100

White Day - #whtdygp +100

Change of Body: Goals - #cobgoals +100

Reasons to hate Valentine - #rsnhvlngp +100

Flowers for You - #flwsfugp +100

Do it: Valentine (Rosa) - #doitsnvlngp +130

Do it: Valentine (corazones) - #doitsnvlngp +130

Do it: Valentine (Tu amistad no te quiere ver ese día) - #doitsnvlngp +130

Do it: Valentine (Declaración de amor vergonzosa) - #doitsnvlngp +130

Do it: Valentine (Cita Cursi) - #doitsnvlngp +130

Do it: Valentine (Recibir chocolates y tener alergias a ellos) - #doitsnvlngp +130

Total: 8490


Lost - #lostgp - +100
Good vibes - #gdvbsgp +100
Ansiedad - #ansiedadgp +100
Letters - #lettersgp +100
Sexual Experience - #segp +100
This is my life - #timl +100
Alternative Universe - #alterunivrsgp + #GPKCH +200
Gula - #gulagp +100
Alone - #lonleygp +100
A Killer Game - #akg +100
Discussion - #discussiongp +100
Crucial Moments - #crclmntgp + #GPKCH +200
Fear - #feargp +100
Closet - #closetgp +100 
Soberbia - #soberbiagp +100

Land Of Wolves

Birth, Inheritance and Creation - #gptsbicw  +#GPKCH +250
Characteristic - #gptschw +100
Transfortion - #gptstrnsw +250
Moon - #gptspmw +180
Herd - #gptshrdw + #GPKCH +250
Cob: I am - #gptscobimwl +100

Total: 2830


This is my life - #timlgp +100
A day with - #adwgp +100
Travel day - #tdgp +100
My First Love - #mflgp +100
Letters - #lettersgp +100
Deep - #deepgp +100
My Potato Head - #mphgp +100
Mi estación Favorita - #mefgp +100
A date?! - #adtgp + #GPKCH +200


Mom - #promtsmmgp +80
Tag de la canción - #20ts +50


Sobrenatural, Mitología, Superhéroe

Soy un monstruo - #sumgp + #GPKCH +250
Mitología - #mitologygp + #GPKCH +250
Sacrificio - #scfrgp + #GPKCH +250
Magic World - #magicwgp +#GPKCH +250
Vampiro - #vampiregp +150
More Blood - #morebloodgp +150
Witchcraft - #witchcraft +150
I'm Angel - #imangelgp +150
Other Planet - #planetgp +150
Medieval - #medievalgp +150
Royal Order - #roylordgp +150
Zeus - #mitozeusgp +150
Demon Days - #demondaysgp +150
Alternative Universe - #alterunivrsgp +150


Entradas populares de este blog

Sueño de Muerte

Futuro Incierto
